Thursday, January 12, 2017

Youtube Copyright strike.

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Hello our dear supporters, we just recieved a copyright strike in one of our videos, and we had to delete 13 videos due to copyrights, we feel so hopeless right now, i hope you guys will still support us no matter what, we may not be able to upload new track today, so see you tomorrow our lovely fans.


  1. Hey! It's kayo, and I just wanted to say how inspirational all of these blogs are. Who cares if you got copyright striked? Screw them, don't feel hopeless because you have lots of fans that love your videos and won't stop just because of some lousy copyright strikes. <3 -kayo

    1. Thank you very much dear Kyra, we are trying to stay strong, we are trying to fix it, thanks again <3

  2. Hello, it's seddik hsaine, I just discovered your blog, and I just wanted to say that no mater what we will support you and remember all the youtubers has those problem everyday, SO keep up the good work as always, and love you ! ❤

    1. Hello dear Seddik, so glad you finally found our blog, yes we are having a really hard time dealing with it, but we are working with everything we got to get back in good standing, your presence here make us feel so strong and alot of hope, thank you <3 and we love you too

  3. Hello, it's seddik hsaine, I just discovered your blog, and I just wanted to say that no mater what we will support you and remember all the youtubers has those problem everyday, SO keep up the good work as always, and love you ! ❤

    1. Oups I published my comment twice hahaha sorry



